

49 Completed Projects


I'm a very motivated teacher with diverse subject matter experience, dedicated, and welcoming. I am a professional with 3 years' tutoring experience, such as clinical, nursing, psychology , philosophy and biology. I've got outstanding listening abilities as well as multilingual. My aim is to provide online tutoring services for students to obtain good qualifications and to excel in schools. I do comprehensive research to offer high standard plagiarism-free work

Education Background

🎓 Bachelor's Degree:

🎓 Master's Degree:


Masters's Degree

Subject Covered

Business management

Reviews & Ratings (21 reviews with 4.62 ratings)

  • 04 May 2021

    Top marks for getting the assignment completed in a very short time frame. A little more research could have been done on the company in question. Can't complain really.

    User: 635
  • iwritesinsANDtragedies

    12 Mar 2021

    Excellent work that was returned back in a timely manner.

    User: 618
  • iwritesinsANDtragedies

    12 Mar 2021

    The expert took the time to conduct in-depth research that was relevant to the course of study. Satisfied with the results of the essay.

    User: 618
  • 09 Mar 2021

    she super and confiedent

    User: 604
  • iwritesinsANDtragedies

    01 Feb 2021

    The essay was completed in a timely manner and all requirements have been met. Highly recommend!

    User: 618