I am an experienced academic writer with a master's degree in science management and economics. I have extensive knowledge across various academic fields such as literature, history, psychology, sociology, and business. My writing is clear, concise, well-researched, and tailored to the specific needs of my audience. I have a strong command of the English language, meet deadlines, and am proficient in various citation styles including APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard. My goal is to help others succeed in their academic pursuits through my expertise and writing.
Education Background
🎓 Bachelor's Degree:
🎓 Master's Degree:
Subject Covered
Reviews & Ratings (6 reviews with 5.00 ratings)
23 Mar 2023
Quick and effective. Great job
User: 842
03 Jan 2023As always, fantastic job done by Elvis.
User: 618
13 Sep 2022
Always so quickly to respond
User: 648
13 Sep 2022Elvis did a great job with meeting assignment requirements. Overall pleased.
User: 618
29 Jul 2022
Great work, thorough and well written. Thank you
User: 830